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Injection Day

I haven’t written much about my mystery malady lately, but suffice to say it’s still an issue—although much better than a few years ago. The weird headaches and pressure between my eyes still comes and goes, but I’m able to recognize what’s causing it (trigger points in my shoulders and neck) and how to treat it before it gets out of control. The lower back and abdominal pain remain an enigma, however.

Since January 2008 I’ve tried four different modes of physical therapy, had three MRIs or CT Scans, two X-Rays, and one spinal injection. My current doctor discovered two herniated discs in the process, but so far none of the treatments have done much good. Tomorrow, we try again with a different approach.

He thinks the back pain might be caused by trauma to some of the facet joints in my lower back. My symptoms match up well (but not exactly) with those of facet joint syndrome, so tomorrow I’ll be getting a “facet block” and a shot of steroids (cue the A-Rod jokes) to reduce the inflamation. The block essentially turns off the pain signals coming from the joints, so if it works then it will confirm the diagnosis. If not, it’s back to the drawing board again.

I’m kind of skeptical, because every time I think I’m on the right path I get my hopes dashed. But just imagine if it does work out this time. No more back pain? Or at least some kind of treatment plan? That would be incredible. 

So, hope springs eternal.

  1. March 23, 2009 at 8:43 pm

    Hope you feel better soon. I can recommend Dr. John Sledge (friend of the family and he’s treated my mother successfully) if you’re looking for another opinion. And he’s even on the north shore. http://www.sportsmednorth.com/doctors_sledge.htm

  2. March 24, 2009 at 11:01 am

    steroids! at least you’re done using your testicles, right?

    Good luck tho. My back hurts today and its nowhere close to what you go through, and I still feel miserable. I can’t imagine this for years on end.

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